Diane Small
2017-2018 National Youth Activities Ambassador
Think Outside the Box – Veterans History Project
We are near the half-way point of the 2017-2018 Program Year, and I am so encouraged when I hear all the different ways that Youth Activities Chairmen (both Auxiliary and Department) are promoting the areas of emphasis of our Youth Activities Program.
I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you what Cathey Farley, South Carolina Youth Activities Chairmen, did to promote the Veterans History Project at the Department of South Carolina Fall Conference.
After National Convention, Farley contacted the Library of Congress for more information about the Veterans History Project. With the help of Lisa Taylor from the Library of Congress, and approval from Department President Theodore Montague, a workshop was set (and paid for by the Library of Congress) for a Veterans History Project trainer to speak to Auxiliary members at the Department of South Carolina Fall Conference. Farley extended an invitation to Auxiliary members in North Carolina, as well as VFW members in South Carolina, to attend the workshop. “I was so excited. This is such a great program and I wanted to share it with as many people as possible, so they could share my excitement,” Farley said.
Dr. Annette Fromme, a Veterans History Project trainer since 2003, was authorized to come to South Carolina to train members of the Auxiliary on how to best promote the Veterans History Project. Training materials and field kits were provided by the Library of Congress. Workshop attendees were given Veterans History Project Field Kits and information to take back to their Auxiliaries.
“It was great having Dr. Fromme come. We are very grateful to the Library of Congress for funding this workshop for our Auxiliary members. Now it is time for us to get to work saving our veterans’ history,” Farley said. She hopes this is the beginning of a great partnership. “If everyone could attend a workshop like the one presented by Dr. Fromme, they would understand the importance of saving our veterans’ history. I encourage everyone to go online to the Veterans History Project website and read about it; the field kits can easily be ordered or downloaded from the website,” she said.
Cathey did an outstanding job promoting the Veterans History Project! This is a great example of how thinking outside the box and involving other organizations can help us reach our program goals. I encourage everyone to think of leaders in your community to collaborate with in expanding our reach and promotion of each of our areas of emphasis for not only the Youth Activities Program, but for all our Programs.
The Veterans History Project is being promoted by the VFW Auxiliary Youth Activities Program to all middle school and junior high aged youth (ages 12-15). High school students may also participate. The Veterans History Project is accepted by the Boy Scouts as an Eagle Scout Project and Girl Scouts as a Gold Star project (be sure to contact the Veterans History Project before scouts begin as there are special criteria for scouts).
I want to thank you all for your work on promoting the Youth Activities Program and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy, blessed and safe New Year!
Dr. Annette Fromme (center) greets Department of South Carolina Auxiliary members following her presentation on the Veterans History Project.