Ramona Henson
2022-2023 National Youth Activities Ambassador
The accomplishments of the first 6 months of the Program Year have been amazing! I am so proud of all of our Chairmen, Officers and members; you should be proud of yourselves, too. Keep up the good work involving youth in Auxiliary and Post activities and providing opportunities for them to learn about patriotism and service.
We have so many options for youth to learn about service members and veterans, including digital formats and apps. It’s an open door for us. Posting to social media may help Auxiliaries inform youth about contests, patriotic programs and holidays, and become informed about veterans’ issues.
Possible sites on which to post include:
And don’t forget the tried-and-true methods:
*Local Newspapers
Local scouting groups, ROTC and other youth organizations are often willing to donate their time to the VFW Post. From posting colors to helping with work around the Post to serving our veterans in many ways.
Don’t forget to include youth in your plans for the upcoming patriotic holidays:
Four Chaplains Day Feb 3
USO’s Birthday Feb 4
National Salute to Veteran Patients Week of Feb 12
President’s Day Third Monday in February
Coast Guard Reserve Birthday Feb 19
Navy Reserve Birthday March 3
Hug a GI Day March 4.
Seabee Birthday March 5
K-9 Veterans Day March 13
Rosie The Riveter Day March 21
National Medal of Honor Day March 25
Vietnam Veterans Day March 29
Military Branch Birthdays
June 14, 1775
The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year.
Marine Corps
November 10, 1775
The Marine Corps was founded to serve as an infantry unit aboard naval vessels and was responsible for the security of the ship and its crew by conducting offensive and defensive combat during boarding actions and defending the ship’s officers from mutiny.
Air Force
September 18, 1947
Known as the most recent branch of the U.S. military to be formed, the Air Force is also the largest and most technologically advanced air force in the world. Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on September 18, 1947 under the National Security Act of 1947.
October 13, 1775
The United States Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which the Continental Congress established on October 13, 1775. Since 1972, each CNO has encouraged a Navy-wide celebration of this occasion to encourage appreciation of our Navy and to provide a positive influence toward pride and professionalism in the naval service.
National Guard
December 13, 1636
The National Guard of the United States is a joint activity of the United States Department of Defense comprising reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force: The Army National Guard of the United States for the Army and the Air National Guard of the United States for the Air Force. It is the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Coast Guard
August 4, 1790
The Coast Guard’s official history began on August 4, 1790, when President George Washington signed the Tariff Act authorizing the construction of ten vessels to enforce federal tariff and trade laws and to prevent smuggling.
Space Force
December 20th, 2019
The Space Force is the newest component of the United States Armed Forces.
It is headquartered at the Pentagon. Its role includes space security, space combat, space mobility and logistics and space domain awareness.
With so many upcoming patriotic dates, consider how to share them with youth and plan an event on these dates. Have a party at your Post to celebrate a military or patriotic holiday. Invite youth to attend the VFW Post for a Veteran’s Participation Report so that our youth can learn from veterans firsthand.
Ask local schools if you can talk to youth about all the days that are special to service members and veterans. Ask a veteran(s) to accompany you in uniform. The kids love to see veterans and service members in uniform.
The American heritage is the sum total of hardship and heroism, of struggle and success, a spirit that has guided our country to greatness in the democratic way. It is the pattern on which we have worked and the foundation on which future greatness must be built. ~ Ulysses S. Grant