Mistie Hammond
2018-2019 National Youth Activities Ambassador
Happy fall! I’ve had some questions about the program goals and awards for Youth Activities this year. The program goals and awards are listed below and can also be found in the 2018-2019 National Program Book at vfwauxiliary.org/resources.
There are four goals and two awards for Auxiliaries, both of which have a form that needs to be filled out and submitted to your Department Youth Activities Chairman who will then send it to National Headquarters. The award forms have been updated from previous years, so please download the new forms from the Resources page of the website.
- For the Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans citations, we are now asking for the number of youth that participated in the project.
- Under Awards for Auxiliaries, Award #2 has a form that needs to be submitted in order to receive a citation from National Headquarters.
- Creating, Sponsoring and Working with Youth Groups
- Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans National Citations
- Random Acts of Patriotism (R.A.P.)
- Creating a Contest for Students in Grades K-5
Youth Activities Awards
- An award to one youth group in each Program Division with an outstanding project submitted to the Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans citations. Will be mailed to the sponsoring Auxiliary for presentation.
- Citation to one Auxiliary in each Department for the best promotion of ways to use and/or reuse R.A.P. cards and/or coins.
- Citation to each Auxiliary that creates, supports and/or sponsors a youth group. Form required; available at www.vfwauxiliary.org/resources.
- Citation to each Department Chairman for participation in this program.
- Believe We Can Do It VFW Store Gift Certificate to one Department Chairman in each Program Division for the best promotion of creating a contest for students in grades K-5.
- Believe We Can Do It VFW Store Gift Certificate to one Department Chairman in each Program Division for the best promotion of creating youth groups and/or engaging youth groups in Auxiliary programs.
- Outstanding Performance Award in each Program Division based on criteria listed on Page 2 and for the promotion of the Program Goals on Page 45.
Creating a Contest for Students in Grades K-5
This program goal is new and a wonderful way to get creative and involve elementary school children with your Auxiliary! I have seen so many wonderful contest ideas from Auxiliaries across the country. Ideas include:
- Split the contest into age groups, for example, K-2, 3-5, etc.
- Have a contest for children in K-2 and a different contest for children in 3-5.
- For example, a coloring contest for lower elementary and a writing contest for upper elementary.
The creation of a contest for students in grades K-5 is something ANY individual Auxiliary or Department can create and implement in the community.
I have been asked about prize ideas for children who participate in this contest. Gift cards and cash are always a hit, however I think prizes can be whatever you would like and whatever dollar amount your Auxiliary and/or Department feel comfortable with. Ideas include:
- Gift cards
- Cash
- Pizza parties
- Desert buffets
- Ice cream sundae parties
- Annual pass to local zoo, science museum, etc.
- Family 4-pack to a sporting event
- Basket of board games
- Lego sets
- Art supplies
- Outdoor toy basket (sporting goods items, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, etc.)
- Limo ride
Have fun with this goal! It’s a great way to get in the schools and spread patriotism.