There are more than 3,600 Auxiliaries throughout the United States, Guam, Panama and the Philippines. If your community does not have an Auxiliary and you would like to start one, please email us at
The Extension & Revitalization Program:
- Establishes New Auxiliaries.
- Interested in starting an Auxiliary? Whether a VFW Post decides on its own that it wants an Auxiliary or whether a member or non-member sees the potential for a new Auxiliary, the steps for creating an Auxiliary are the same:
- A VFW Post must vote by 2/3 majority to have an Auxiliary. (An Auxiliary can never exist on its own without a Post and can never be started without that Post’s 2/3 majority vote).
- The Department President appoints the official organizer of the new Auxiliary and he/she must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary.
- A minimum of 15 eligible applicants must be on the application for the Charter (transfers are not eligible).
- From there, it’s a matter of securing and filling out the proper paperwork provided by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters. Every Department President, Secretary and Chief of Staff has access to these forms.
- Interested in starting an Auxiliary? Whether a VFW Post decides on its own that it wants an Auxiliary or whether a member or non-member sees the potential for a new Auxiliary, the steps for creating an Auxiliary are the same:
- Maintains Current Auxiliaries.
- The national organization requires only five (5) things of a VFW Auxiliary:
- Auxiliaries should have at least ten (10) business meetings per year. (Sec. 210) Five (5) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (Sec 212)
- Dues should be paid on at least ten (10) members on or before February 1 of the current year. (Sec. 207)
- Quarterly audits by Trustees must be submitted. (Sec. 814)
- Officers elected and installed and reported to National Headquarters no later than June 30. This generates the bond application via email. (Sec. 804A & 806A)
- The offices of President and Treasurer MUST be bonded by August 31. (Sec. 814) This form can be found MALTA.
- The national organization requires only five (5) things of a VFW Auxiliary: