VFW Surpasses $9B in Benefits for Our Veterans Nationwide
‘This is a true testament to the dedication and service our VFW Service Officers have for every veteran’
WASHINGTON (November 5, 2019) – Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Service Officers recovered more than $9 billion in benefits for veterans for the first time this past fiscal year.
VFW service officers were responsible for the recovery of a total of $9,059,726,902 for veterans, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
“This is a true testament to the dedication and service our VFW service officers have for every veteran he or she comes in contact with,” said VFW National Commander William “Doc” Schmitz. “Our veterans deserve nothing but the absolute-best customer service experience that our organization has proven to deliver day-in and day-out.”
This year, as part of the VFW’s Century of Service, leaders issued a challenge to its Department service officers nationwide to assist as many veterans possible who required help in filing benefits and compensation claims with the VA.
“The VFW’s global network of professional veterans’ advocates should be incredibly proud to have reached this milestone in our 100th year of helping veterans,” said Ryan Gallucci, director of VFW National Veterans Service. “This demonstrates the hard work of our advocates who meet face-to-face with veterans every day. The founders of our humble benefits assistance program would be proud of the legacy that the VFW has built, proving that ‘No One Does More For Veterans.’”
VFW Service Officers are trained experts, helping veterans develop their case with ease by reviewing and applying current law, pertinent legislation, regulations, pension and death benefits, and employment and training programs. Service officers are also prepared to present oral arguments on behalf of veterans when needed.
Schmitz explained that veterans who come to the VFW for help in filing claims receive nothing short of positive results.
“Veterans rely heavily on our expertise in assisting them in receiving the benefits and compensation they have earned and our professionals continue to answer that call with dynamic results,” said Schmitz. “Our outstanding service officers are amazing stewards and dedicated professionals who pride themselves on serving every veteran who needs help in the claim process and will not stop until every veteran’s individual need is met.”
If you are a veteran who seeks help in filing a claim, visit the VFW website and click on the Assistance tab. The VA Claims and Separation Benefits section will help you find a service officer in your area.
ABOUT THE VFW: The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is the nation’s largest and oldest major war veterans’ organization. Founded in 1899, the congressionally-chartered VFW is comprised entirely of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. With more than 1.6 million VFW and Auxiliary members located in 6,200 Posts worldwide, the nonprofit veterans’ service organization is proud to proclaim “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS” than the VFW, which is dedicated to veterans’ service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs. For more information or to join, visit our website at VFW.org.