Orlando, Fla. – July 23, 2019 – Today marks the last time that B.J. Lawrence will address the VFW Auxiliary as VFW Commander-in-Chief. He will be escorted down the Aisle of Honor and then address the VFW Auxiliary delegation. Lawrence served in the U. S. Army from 1983 to 1986, earning his VFW eligibility by serving in Korea, where he earned the Korean Defense Service Medal. Lawrence joined the VFW in 2000 at Post 7686 in Alamogordo, N.M., where he is a Gold Legacy Life member.
Guests will also include representatives from Help Heal Veterans; the Bay Pines Foundation; VA’s Voluntary Service; the VFW National Home for Children: the VFW Veterans Village: allied guest Military Order of the Cooties Auxiliary Supreme President Patricia Potter and Sylvia Tanis, a Life Member of VFW Auxiliary 2144 and a Rosie the Riveter. Kriebel will also honor Robert E. Wallace, Assistant Adjutant General and Executive Director of the VFW Washington Office. He is retiring after 23 years of service.
Approximately 2,500 members are attending the convention, which runs through tomorrow.
Unable to attend? Tune into the livestream! Login to your MALTA account at https://malta.vfwauxiliary.org to watch the livestream beginning at 8:00 AM EST.
Learn more at www.vfwauxiliary.org
On Facebook: facebook.com/VFWAuxiliary