Tessa Butcher National 2023-2024 Veterans & Family Support Ambassador

Headshot of Tessa Butcher

National Day of the Deployed was established in 2006, when Shelle Michaeles Aberle petitioned North Dakota Governor John Hoevento to have a day of recognition for her cousin, Lt. Col. David Hosna, who had been deployed to Iraq. Since 2012, every state in the U.S. has observed this holiday, which is celebrated annually on October 26. This day gives us a chance to recognize our deployed troops across the globe. Often times, social media posts are done using #DayOfTheDepolyed. What are some other things we as Auxiliary members can do to recognize our deployed troops?

  • Donate to the VFW’s Veterans & Military Support program, located on the VFW website.
  • Send care packages utilizing the VFW’s Adopt-A-Unit program.
  • Locally, attend ceremonies honoring the military.
  • Volunteer your time and services to local military organizations.
  • If you know a military family that has someone who’s deployed, ask what support they need.
  • Offer to support military personnel who have no family. They deploy with no one back home to send care packages or other support.


While support for our veterans and deployed troops are important, it’s also important to remember those who have been left behind – the spouses and children. November is Military Family Appreciation Month and was first recognized in 1996 after the Armed Services YMCA along with the U.S. Government expanded Military Family Week. Each year, the president declares the month through a signed proclamation. Here are a few ideas of things that can be done in observance for Military Family Appreciation month:

  • Adopt a military family for the holidays.
  • Offer to run errands for military spouses who may have their hands full with their children or even their pets.
  • Volunteer or donate services to military organizations.
  • Read about upcoming legislation and learn how it impacts our military, veterans and their families. Then write and call your legislators.