I was recently asked a good question and I thought it would be beneficial to share.
Question: Can an Auxiliary member report when they have done something for a veteran family member such as taking them to the doctor, etc.? Can an Auxiliary member report taking a veteran from their Post to an appointment?
Answer: It has always been my understanding that the love, help and support we give our family members is our individual responsibility. Helping family members is not a reportable project. However, if a family member is designated by the VA as a caregiver and the Auxiliary is caring or helping that family member, it should be reported under the caregiver component of the Program. If an Auxiliary member takes a veteran to an appointment and there is no family relationship, that is reportable.
Another question came up about cards of comfort, cheer, thinking of you and support. I am asking all Veterans & Family Support Chairmen to reach out to your Chaplain to ask if they are sending cards to veterans or their families (including VFW and Auxiliary members) as well as providing funeral or graveside services for veteran family members. These gestures of cards and services for the deceased are reportable under the Veterans & Family Support Program. Think of the comfort and support that is provided to family members; it means a lot in what may seem to be a small way.
I would like to give a shout out to the Department of Oklahoma for a wonderful Auxiliary project.
The Department attended the OKC Sooner Stand Down which was promoted throughout the state with approximately 85% of Auxiliaries participating. In addition to two days of serving food to approximately 175 veterans, they also had a fishing tournament. WAY TO GO OKLAHOMA!