Brenda Blair
2021-2022 National Scholarships Ambassador
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest
March 31stis the deadline for Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest submissions to be submitted to your Auxiliary.
This doesn’t mean that there’s still not plenty to do or we should sit back and coast along.
Here are some ideas to implement now:
- Reach out to your contact(s) at high schools as well as promoting on Social Media and in Newspapers.
- Remind your members and friends of the upcoming deadline.
- Have your judges lined up.
- District winners (optional) must be forwarded to Departments by April 10thand winners (either Auxiliary or District) must be received by Departments no later than April 15th.
- Send your Department’s first place winner to National no later than May 5, 2022.
VFW Auxiliary
National Headquarters
406 W.34thStreet 10thFloor
Kansas City, MO 64111
The artwork will be judged prior to National Convention. All artwork will be returned to the student by the end of September of this year.
The Voice of Democracy and Patriotic Pen National Winnerswill be announced on April 7that 8pm EST. Join in and help us cheer on these students. They have all worked so hard.
Will the student from your state be one of the top winners?
Tune in to watch the excitement!
Fund the Future
Jean Hamil’s special project, “Fund the Future”, seeks to secure scholarships for our students of tomorrow.
With your donations, we may be able to increase the Young American Creative Patriotic Art from 12 winners to 20!
It’s so easy to contribute as well:
- In MALTA you can contribute personally, by Auxiliary, District or by Department.
- Establish a Patriotic Art Scholarship at the National level. For information about how to do this, you can contact National Headquarters at 816-561-8655 or at their email:
- Mail a check to National Headquarters, and in the memo indicate to which scholarship you’d like to contribute: Continuing Education or the Young American Creative Patriotic Art fund.
Here’s the address for you to mail any checks to:
VFW Auxiliary
National Headquarters
406 W.34thStreet 10thFloor
Kansas City, MO 64111
Together we will continue Soaring Above and Beyondfor our veterans and their families.