Francesca "Frankie" Bill
2020-2021 National Scholarships Ambassador

“Scholarship is to be created not by compulsion, but by awakening a pure interest in knowledge.” This quote comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American lecturer, poet and essayist. Humans are naturally curious people who seek to understand which is in an innate motivator for education. Across all age groups, we never stop learning. The VFW and VFW Auxiliary both offer the opportunity for expanding knowledge and awakening interest in our youth, members and their family. This is known as the Scholarships Program.
So, how does one learn more? Start by visiting the Program & Publicity Resources page on the VFW Auxiliary website:
Scroll down three quarters of the page until you locate the Scholarships section. Here, you will find several links and tools which you can share with your community or use yourself, if eligible. Do you have an Auxiliary Facebook page or website? Consider sharing this information or posting downloadable PDF forms for public access to your Auxiliary, schools or family members.
How many scholarship opportunities exist? Within the Scholarships Program, there are four contests. Two are essay contests sponsored by the VFW and supported by the VFW Auxiliary: Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen. The other two contests are sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary: Continuing Education and Young American Creative Patriotic Art.
Each of the blue, underlined links will open a new tab in your browser of choice or take you into a fillable PDF form which can be edited and saved elsewhere. Many of the links are brochures and reference materials which you can download and print or share electronically. The VFW Auxiliary offers financial assistance to further one’s education and interest in knowledge. Here are a few promotional ideas to consider:
- Enlist alumni and past recipients to serve as recruiters.
- Use broader communication channels.
- Facebook/Instagram
- Email teachers/schools
- Student message boards
- Auxiliary websites/newsletters
- Share fun facts and/or inspiring scholarship stories as part of a social media campaign.
As we continue to navigate new routines during this time of the coronavirus pandemic, be creative and help promote and participate in the Scholarships Program.
“Life is a progress, not a station.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson