Kim Lewis
2015-2016 National Scholarships Ambassador
Scholarships: It’s Time to Promote the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest!
Now that this program year is half over, it’s time to review our Program Goals. It’s important that all VFW Auxiliaries strive to accomplish an activity to meet these goals of the Scholarship Program.
1. Student Participation
It’s time to hit the streets to publicize and promote the VFW Auxiliary scholarship available to the general public, the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest.
- Print out Patriotic Art postersfrom the website HERE and distribute to local schools, churches, youth organizations (i.e. Boys & Girls Clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc.) arts and crafts stores, art galleries, grocery stores and coffee shops – anywhere youth spend time!
- Print out Patriotic Art brochures/entry forms from the website HERE or order them from National Headquarters (for free!) using the brochure order form from the website HERE and distribute to the same groups listed above.
2. Recipient Recognition
While you work with your VFW Post to recognize Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen entrants, order Auxiliary Young American Certificates from the VFW store to recognize students who participate in the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest: The certificate reads: “Young American Creative Patriotic Art Certificate of Recognition presented to _____________ In special recognition for your creative contribution to our National Heritage through the expression of Art.” It includes signature lines for the President and Chairman. You can also order the Auxiliary Young American Patriotic Art Pin: for your Auxiliary Winner.
3. Community Awareness
We need to toot our own horn and notify our community about the great scholarships our organization offers America’s youth!
- Send a press release to your local newspaper and high school newspaper announcing our Young American Creative Patriotic Art Scholarship Contest. National Headquarters has provided a fillable press release available on the website HERE. Simply fill with your Auxiliary’s information and send to your local media outlets.
Remember to let all of your fellow VFW Auxiliary members know about theContinuing Education Scholarship. The deadline for receipt of the application at National Headquarters is February 15, 2016.
Visit the VFW Store at or the VFW Auxiliary website’sResources page (under Programs, Resources) to obtain the materials listed above.
As we come to the end of 2015, I remind you that the holiday season can be very difficult for our veterans who are alone. Try to include them in your holiday activities.
I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!