Tina Hicks 2023-2024 National Scholarships Ambassador

Headshot of Tina Whytsell

I hope everyone is staying warm and safe, as some of us has endured much snow this past week. I know I am ready for summer to return. I am super excited about our Mid-Year Conference, where it will be nice and warm, and I will get to spend my days with my Auxiliary brothers and sisters. Speaking of Mid-Year, keep your eyes open while walking the cruise ship to see if you can find my rubber duckies that I will be hiding throughout the week. I will be placing little cards with them in hopes that other passengers on the ship will see them and will take them home and give the information to someone who would love to apply for our Scholarships we have to offer.


After Mid-Year, I am excited to travel to Washington D.C. to spend time with the VFW’s Voice of Democracy Department winners as we tour the city and to participate in the Parade of Winners on Monday, March 4, with the program starting at 6 p.m. EST. Be sure to log on to www.vfw.org and watch as your state is represented and to see who this year’s winner is. It is a true honor to be able to go and spend this time with each student.


This year is slowly winding down, but that does not mean that our work is complete. We should always be working our Scholarship Programs, even the ones that have ended for this year, as well as all of the Programs this great organization has. We need to still be out there getting the word out about each scholarship and telling everyone about them. They may now know about what the VFW and the VFW Auxiliary have to offer, so if we can get the word out, they will be ready and prepared for next year.


This year we still have a few Scholarships that students are able to enter but those deadlines are quickly approaching:


  1. Continuing Education is due to National Headquarters by February 15, 2024. (Make sure you send them in before you leave for National Mid-Year.)


  1. Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest is due to your local VFW Auxiliary by March 31, 2024.


  1. 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest is due to your local VFW Auxiliary by March

31, 2024.


As always, the contest rules and regulations can be found on the VFW and the VFW Auxiliary websites and also on MALTA.


National Convention will be here before you know it and I cannot wait to see all of the beautiful artwork that will be there.


This year has been a great year and I want to say thank you to each and every one of you for all of your hard work. Keep it up!!!!!