Chrissy Harlan
2018-2019 National Scholarships Ambassador
Believe…We Can Do It! Let’s Make Their Dreams Come True!
Program Goal #1: Student Participation
- The student deadlines for all of our scholarships have now passed. I hope you all got the word out in your communities about our scholarship opportunities.
- New themes for the 2019-2020 Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen competitions are out so get started now!
Program Goal #2: Recipient Recognition
- Send press releases to your local media about the participants and winners.
- Invite your students to present their speeches or art at a city council meeting.
- What is your Auxiliary doing to recognize your participants?
Program Goal #3: Community Awareness
- Community Outreach Projects.
- Family Freedom Festival presentations.
- How does your community know what you do and what you have to offer?
Program Goal #4: Increasing Awards For National Young American Creative Patriotic Art Endowment Fund
- We asked that Auxiliaries donate to the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Endowment Fund and many have.
- To date, National Headquarters has received $11,502.30 in donations. We are short of our goal, but I BELIEVE WE CAN DO IT!
- Several individual members have made donations; THANK YOU!
- A few Districts have made donations; THANK YOU!
- Two Departments have made donations; THANK YOU!
- If your Auxiliary made a donation and sent it to the Department, who in turn sent it to National Headquarters, please check with your Department Treasurer to verify they also sent a list of the participating Auxiliaries. I want to be sure every Auxiliary receives recognition for their contribution.
- Haven’t sent in your donation yet; why not?
Thank you for all the hard work you have done this year and for everything that we have accomplished together so far. There is still time to recognize your participants, get involved in your community, and there is definitely still time to donate to the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Endowment Fund.