Chrissy Harlan
2018-2019 National Scholarships Ambassador
16 Ways to Accomplish the Scholarship Program Goals
Ways that might increase student participation in all of our Scholarships (Goal #1: Student Participation)
- TALK to students, teachers, counselors, and parents anywhere and everywhere!
- Place ads in neighborhood and homeowners association newsletters.
- Have brochures on all our Scholarships at your Family Freedom Festival.
- Place brochures on every bulletin board you can – including the one at your Post.
Ways to recognize participants (Goal #2: Recipient Recognition)
- Give out backpacks, water bottles, etc. from the VFW Store.
- Invite the media to cover your awards presentations.
- Award the participants in front of their peers.
- Give certificates to all participants.
Ways to let your community know what WE do (Goal #3: Community Awareness)
- Host a Family Freedom Festival and present all of our programs.
- Set up appearances on local TV and radio talk shows.
- Get on the agenda for your City Council Meeting and talk about our Scholarships.
- Have previous winners speak at public functions.
Ways to raise funds for National Young American Patriotic Art Endowment Fund (Goal #4: Increasing Awards)
- Have a Family Bingo Night (Be sure to follow the rules in your state)
- Have a Mystery Bake Auction
- Host a Fun Run
- Have members teach a unique craft and invite the public to attend the classes
Scholarships (Complete information available at
Continuing Education
- The deadline is February 15, 2019 and is fast approaching. Get those applications in!
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest
- Deadline for entries to be at the local Auxiliary is March 31, 2019. If you have students interested in participating remind them of the deadline.