CHARLOTTE, N.C. – July 27, 2016 – Colette Bishop, a Life Member of Gustaf C. Lannoo VFW Auxiliary 1303 in Rock Island, Ill., was elected National President of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary at its 103rd National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., today (July 27).
She joined the Auxiliary on the eligibility of her father, who served in the U.S. Navy during World War ll.
During her term, she will utilize the organization’s tagline, “Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes®,” as her theme and focus attention on supporting veterans and their families.
During the past five years, Bishop has served in the offices leading to the National Presidency and represented the National organization at events throughout the country. Prior to that, she served as Auxiliary, District and Department President. She has also been National District Council Member Area B, National Chief of Staff and Patriotic Instructor. She has been Director for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art and Voice of Democracy scholarship contests, Veterans & Family Support, Membership and Youth Activities programs. She was Big Ten Conference Chairman for the Americanism program and has also been National Historian.
The election and installation of National President Bishop, and the other 2016-2017 National Officers on Wednesday, July 27, concluded the convention and brought 2015-2016 National President Francisca Guilford’s term to an end.
The 2016-2017 National Officers of the VFW Auxiliary have been elected as follows:
- Colette Bishop, National President (Department of Illinois)
- Dee Guillory, National Senior-Vice President (Department of Virginia)
- Sandi Kriebel, National Junior-Vice President (Department of Maryland)
- Peggy Haake, National Chaplain (Department of Hawaii)
- Sandra Onstwedder, National Conductress (Department of Michigan)
- Jean Hamil, National Guard (Department of Florida)
The National Officers will visit members in communities across America this year, seeing the efforts of Auxiliary volunteers and encouraging non-members to get involved and join the Auxiliary as it works to serve veterans, their families and spread patriotism. nationwide.