Kansas City, Mo. – July 23, 2018 – National President Dee Guillory will honor Bob Regan, founder of Operation Song™, a nonprofit that pairs professional songwriters with veteran, active-duty military and their families to help them tell their stories through song. Regan will receive the Catch the Dream for Our Veterans Award for his work using creative and integrative therapies to help individuals recover from the stress of war and improve the quality of their lives.
Guests will also include friends from the VFW National Home, the VFW Veterans Village and allied guest Military Order of the Cooties Auxiliary Supreme President Penny Cacoulidis.
The 2017-2018 National Ambassadors will present the National Program Awards for the following programs: Veterans & Family Support; Americanism; Chief of Staff/Extension; Hospital; Legislative; Membership & Leadership; Scholarships and Youth Activities.
Approximately 2,000 members are attending the convention, which runs through Wednesday.
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