Erin Mezek
2020-2021 National Mentoring for Leadership Ambassador
Mentoring in Your Auxiliary is a Win-Win
Earlier this month, I asked the Department Chairmen to think back to the first non-family mentor they had and to name a few characteristics they received from their mentor. Here’s a sample of what they said:
- Honest
- Loyal
- Compassionate
- Supportive
- Loving
- Kind
- Trustworthy
- Complimentary
- Help others
- Dream big
- Speak kindly
- Follow your dreams
- Treat others how you want to be treated
- You can do anything
- Don’t put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today
- Love thy neighbor
When I think of a mentor, I ask myself who has been a R.O.C.K. (reliable, outgoing, consistent communicator and knowledgeable), helped me grow and been a trusted guide.
What characteristics do you think of when you think of a Mentor? Write them down and share them at your next Auxiliary meeting.
We invest in our Auxiliaries when we mentor, encourage and empower our members; it shows we care about them. When we all take an active part in the mentoring process, we can achieve wonderful things for our veterans and their families. When we come together, we all win.
Here are the win-win’s for all involved:
- Learns from member experiences
- Gains objective perspectives
- Gains self-confidence in taking on new roles within the Auxiliary
- Receives guidance and knowledge
- Is a subject matter expert
- Gains a sense of purpose on all levels of the Auxiliary
- Serves as a trusted role model
- Establishes new relationships
- Improves member activity and experience
- Encourages new leadership
- Attracts new members, showing we care about their growth and purpose
- Builds a stronger foundation to serve our mission
Do you have an up-and-coming or behind the scenes mentor? Let their awesomeness shine on the National stage and nominate them for the National Mentoring for Leadership Member Award.
- Citation to the Outstanding New Mentor in each of the 10 Program Divisions. Nomination form (required) available at Nomination forms are due to the Department Mentoring for Leadership Chairman by March 31, 2021.
The Department Mentoring for Leadership Chairman must sign and send a copy of the completed Department winning nomination form to the National Mentoring for Leadership Ambassador by April 30, 2021 for judging.
There are thousands of amazing mentors in our organization. I hope to receive a nomination form from each Department this year. Please share your mentoring stories with me and your Department Chairmen. We want to know what you are doing in your Auxiliary.