Debbie McCollum
2017-2018 Membership & Leadership Ambassador
Let’s Knock it Out of the Park!
May is a busy time for the VFW and VFW Auxiliary. One program year is coming to a close and another program year is about to begin. As mentioned in the last Membership & Leadership blog, membership is ongoing. As long as there are people eligible for our organization, there are recruitment opportunities. We need to share the wonderful things we do for veterans with others and give them an opportunity to join our amazing organization!
Each Department has a goal to reach 100 percent plus in membership. The Department’s performance depends on the strength of its Districts, which in turn depends on the strength of its local Auxiliaries. Strong, healthy Auxiliaries result in strong, healthy Districts, which result in a strong Department able to meet its goals.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the members from Departments who have met the membership goal of 100 percent plus*. I am so proud of the work each member from these Departments did to achieve this goal!
- Delaware
- Alabama
- Rhode Island
- Alaska
- Arizona
- South Carolina
- Pennsylvania
Don’t see your Department on the list above? There are a total of 28 Departments (including the seven listed above) who have reached 95 percent* or greater. There is still time for your Department to be included in the list above. There are 58 days left in the Program Year and plenty of opportunities to recruit members.
Post, Auxiliary and community events around Loyalty Day (May 1), Armed Forces Day (May 19) and Memorial Day (May 28) are an excellent time to host a membership drive. People attending these events are generally very patriotic and supportive of our nation’s veterans and their families. Think about how many more activities and events your Auxiliary could host with five more members? What about 10 members? What about 15 more members?! Remember, it takes JUST ONE!
We are the VFW Auxiliary and I have witnessed many amazing accomplishments by our members. It’s time to Catch the Dream for Our Veterans and knock Membership out of the park!
*As of Midnight on May 2, 2018