Marilyn J. Malick
2020-2021 National Membership Ambassador

Membership: Keep the Momentum Going
Congratulations to all the Auxiliaries and Departments who have reached the second goal and have earned their monetary prizes. I am pleased to report that because so many of you reached the goal of 98% Plus in paid membership the National Organization reached that goal as well!
Final Auxiliary Goal
Our next Packed Parachute Award of $50 is for Auxiliaries to reach 101% Plus in paid membership by June 30, 2021. Many of you have already reached this goal and others are within reach of it. Keep contacting those members and invite new members to join!
Members who have not yet paid their 2021 dues are not in Good Standing at this time, however, they have until June 30, 2021 before they fall off the rolls of the organization. At that time, they will have to reapply for membership to join the VFW Auxiliary again. This alone is a reason for someone to pay their dues immediately!
Final Department Goal
Our next Department Award of $200 is for your Department to reach 101% Plus in paid membership by June 30, 2021. Several states have already reached this goal, and many are very close. We still have three months to get there. Here are some ideas you might use to help you get there:
- Have your Department Officers, including District Presidents, make personal phone calls to the Auxiliaries who are not yet at 98% Plus.
- Ask members to Adopt-A-Member.
- Host a membership drive at an upcoming dinner or event.
- Ask your VFW if you can mail out a letter to their members inviting them to sign up their family members. Put an application in with the letter.
- Work with your Extension Chairman to start a new Auxiliary!
A little over a month ago I asked you to invite, include and invest in 20,000 members over the next four months for the organization to reach 100% Plus in Membership. You responded by bringing in more than 7,000 members in only one month. Let’s keep that going! The future of the VFW Auxiliary depends on you and your fellow members to continue reaching for your goal, and work on what is most important to reach them. Thank you for all you are doing to invite, include and invest in our VFW Auxiliary by working the Membership Program. Continue to pack someone’s parachute while you continue to assist us in “Honoring our Mission to Serve Veterans.”