2023-2024 National Membership Ambassador Ansje Lansing

Headshot of Ansje Lansing

Lights, Camera, Action!

We are halfway through our Membership year and already many Departments are so close to being at the “final wrap” of reaching 100%.


Huge kudos to Delaware for being the first Department to achieve 100% plus in Paid Membership, followed by Alabama. Both Departments are now on their way to making a sequel to “Million Dollar Baby” and “Grease.” Who will be next???


Each Department has shown how to get those new starlets signed up with a lucrative contract. They have shown how to make all new members very welcome.


I have edited many of your skits at each of your Mid-Year Conferences and they all were FANTASTIC! I applaud each of you for your imagination on how you presented Membership to the audience. Thank goodness I didn’t have to judge your performances.  They were all exceptional.


Even if you have achieved 100%, you must move on to your sequel. There are many newer cast and crew members who need to help make your movie sequel extraordinary. Always make sure you guide your new cast members around your sound lot. Do they know about what to expect at an audition (meetings)? We older and wiser members have been to many auditions (meetings) and understand and know what to expect.


Please remember to take those newbies under your wing and help them feel part of the movie. Encourage participation with your newbies, but please, don’t put them on the spot and make them feel uncomfortable. Always make it a fun and meaningful experience for them. Remind them that we are here for our veterans, service members, their families and your community.


Looking at the numbers on December 31, 2023 of Paid Membership, you are all rocking it!


Big Ten: 96.05%

Eastern: 95.52%

Southern: 97.29%

Western: 97.55%


I also want to thank you all in advance for all the fun and informative Promotions I have received. It shows how much each of you cares about our organization and wants to continue to see it prosper.


I’m getting very excited as to which Conference will win the Golden MALTA!  The golden envelope is just waiting for a final viewing of the four movies. Keep up the great work on achieving the goals set for your Department. I foresee all at 100% by February 29, 2024. Let’s make this a Leap Year to remember with 110% Membership across the board.