Bobbie Goldman
2022-2023 National Legislative Ambassador
During my presentation at National Convention, I mentioned how very close we were to getting the Honoring our PACT Act passed. A few weeks after that, the PACT Act almost died in the Senate, but the Auxiliary did what the Auxiliary does, advocate, and on Tuesday August 2, the PACT Act passed the Senate. On Wednesday, August 10, 2022, President Biden signed it into law. The way veterans receive health care in America has been fundamentally changed forever! You should feel very proud of your contribution to this victory.
What’s next? The Major Richard Star Act (H.R. 1282/S. 344) is a VFW supported bill that our military community needs! Currently, veterans with combat-related disability and fewer than 20 years of service have their retirement pay reduced if they also receive disability compensation. How messed up is that?! The Star Act would amend the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 to allow these disabled vets to get full retirement and disability at the same time. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) introduced it into the Senate and Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12) introduced it into the House.
Encourage everyone you know to contact their elected leaders about the Star Act. The VFW has provided a link to make it super easy to advocate for the Star Act. Share it on your social media and find other creative ways to encourage support for this important bill. You should also contact your elected leaders and post to their social media. Social media is good because everyone can see it and become aware of the issue. To access the VFW Action Center overview and more information, click on the following link: .
I’ve seen with my own eyes how many of you truly do have Hands that Serve, Hearts that Care. You care enough to use your time, talent and treasure to insure that our elected leaders never forget veterans and their families. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!