Bette Jean Biedrzycki
2016-2017 National Legislative Ambassador
VFW’s 2017 Legislative Priority Goals
The 2017 Veterans of Foreign Wars Priority Goals have been released.
These legislative initiatives center on quality of life and health initiatives for all our nation’s veterans, both past and present.
The Priority Goals are grouped under eight areas of concern:
- Budget
- Budget is the number one priority. SEQUESTRATION MUST END and outdated budget caps must be adjusted. Congress must fully fund VA and DOD programs and services.
- Work Force Development and Accountability
- A quality workforce must be achieved and maintained.
- Health Care
- Health Care is always a very important topic. In harmony with Commander Duffy and President Bishop’s Mental Health Awareness special project, one of the goals is to improve research for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
- Compensation and Benefits
- Congress and the VA must ensure that veterans and their dependents have access to earned benefits in a timely manner.
- Education, Employment and Transition Assistance
- It is vital that veterans of military service have an opportunity to obtain meaningful employment upon separation from military duty; two important items included under this priority include quality and sustainability of education benefit, and the reintegration of homeless veterans.
- Defense/Homeland Security
- Congress, DOD and Department of Homeland Security must fully support U.S. troops and their mission to fight the war on terrorism and protect our nation’s citizens and interests around the world.
- Military Quality of Life
- Military Quality of Life must be maintained. One important feature of this priority is to preserve the integrity of TRICARE.
- POW/MIA must be made a priority. One of the ways this can be accomplished is by ensuring that the POW/MIA Accounting missions are fully funded.
Read detailed information about each Priority Goal here:
• On the VFW website:
• Download and print out the brochure:
Become familiar with these goals and read the Action Corps Weekly email; educate yourself on the issues so you can confidently communicate with your legislators.