Scott Jamieson
2021-2022 Legislative Ambassador
Legislative Updates
A couple months ago I brought the Caring for Survivors Act of 2021, bills H. 3402 and S.976, to your attention. Since that writing, these bills have picked up 17 new co-sponsors. Keep up the good work and keep on grinding if your Representative or Senators have not yet co-sponsored it. Everyone has one Representative and two Senators. Contact them today and either kindly ask them to become a co-sponsor on these bills, or if they’re in the minority who have already done so, please contact them and thank them for their support.
This month we have some good news and more work to do!
The House has passed H.R. 3967, Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2021, a bill which “addresses health care, presumption of service-connection, research, resources and other matters related to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during military service.”
Now it’s time for the Senate to act. The bill passed the house with bipartisan support, and we hope to have this bill clear the Senate in a timely fashion. Contact both of your Senators today and ask them to vote affirmatively on Honoring our PACT Act of 2021 when it hits the Senate floor.
An action alert was issued earlier this month to the same effect, if the action alert is still active, you can find the link to it here.