Lois Callahan
2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador
Legislative: Three Ways to Promote this Program
Fall is finally here and the 2015-2016 VFW Auxiliary Program Year is in full swing! I have enjoyed reading your reports and learning innovative ways you have been promoting this vital program around our beautiful country; several are mentioned below:
Virginia Reihn, Department of Missouri:
Many high school seniors are of voting age, but might not be registered to vote. Contact the high schools in your area about hosting a voter registration drive and/or assisting those students in the registration process.
Karen Kaylor, Department of Texas:
Karen attended a “Meet the Congressman” forum in her home state and was photographed giving her Congressman a copy of the VFW Priority Goals pamphlet.
Jean Rosado, Department of Washington:
Jean provided all Auxiliaries in the Department of Washington with a “Legislative Chart.” The chart tracks the following information from each Auxiliary:
- Checkpoint sign-ups
- Action Corp Weekly sign-ups
- Number of Personal (face-to-face) Contacts made
- Number of E-mails sent
- Number of Faxes sent
- Number of Letters sent
- Number of Phone Calls made
- Number of Town Hall Meetings attended
The “Legislative Chart” is a great way for your local Auxiliary to see how its contributions help the National Organization’s Legislative Program as a whole.
On a side note, several Department Chairmen have asked about reporting requirements.
Department Chairmen, you will find the selection criteria for the Outstanding Performance Award on page 1 of the 2015-2016 National Program Book under “Outstanding Performance Awards for Department Chairmen.” These guidelines are for anyone wanting to achieve an Outstanding Performance Award.
In addition, it is the responsibility of each Department Chairman to track and report the information requested on the Year-End Report found on page 47 of the 2015-2016 National Program Book.
Keep up the great legislative work you are all doing on behalf of America’s veterans, active-duty military and their families!