Mercie Woolfolk
2019-2020 National Legislative Ambassador
POW/MIA Flag and Reports & Awards
On Thursday November 7th, the National POW/MIA Flag Act was signed into law. The law requires the POW/MIA flag to be displayed whenever the American flag is displayed at prominent federal properties. This Act recognizes memories all troops who served our country and were lost in action. This historic victory leads to #3 of 6 the VFW Priority Goals as follows.
VFW Priority Goals
National Security, Foreign Affairs and POW/MIA
To fully support U.S. troops and their mission to fight the war on terrorism and protect our nation’s citizens and interests around the world, Congress, DOD and DHS must:
- Expand partnerships with host nations and private/public organizations to achieve the fullest possible accounting of U.S. military personnel missing from all wars.
- Secure America’s borders.
- Preserve the all-volunteer force.
- Maintain a substantial military presence in the Republic of Korea.
Our VFW National Commander-in-Chief William “Doc” Schmitz said, “This is a historic victory for every man and woman who courageously defended this nation and remain unaccounted for.”
Law now requires the POW/MIA flag to be displayed whenever the American flag is displayed on prominent federal properties including and great recognition for our troops missing in action.
- The White House
- U.S. Capitol
- World War II Memorial
- Korean War Veterans Memorial
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Every national cemetery
- The buildings containing the official offices of the Secretaries of State, Defense and Veterans Affairs.
- Office of the Director of the Selective Service System
- Each major military installation, each Department of Veterans Affairs medical center, and each U.S. Postal Service
Reports and Awards
The mid-point is fast approaching for this program year and we have been unwaveringly advocating for our veterans. Today is a great time to submit your legislative successes to your Department Legislative Program Chairman.
- Submit Auxiliary Legislative Reports:
- Discuss how your Auxiliary promote the VFW Priority Goals.
- Discuss your participation in community efforts and contacts with legislators through phone calls, emails, letters, social media and in-person meetings.
- Advise on the number your Auxiliary sign up for VFW Action Corps weekly.
- Advise on how your Auxiliary promoted “Vote in Honor of A Veteran” initiative and use the tools outlined in the “Guide to Contacting Your Legislators.”
- Share your efforts with them by sending photos, newspaper articles and promotional material through website, Facebook, newsletters, General Orders, etc., for inclusion in your Department’s Legislative Program Year-End Report.
- Awards:
Encourage Auxiliaries to show their creativity when presenting an Outstanding Promotion of the VFW Priority Goals and VFW Action Corps Weekly. These two initiatives go hand in hand and are both educational in nature. Our Legislative Awards are as follows:
- Citation to every Auxiliary that promotes the VFW Priority Goals and VFW Action Corps Weekly.
- Citation and $50 to one Auxiliary in the nation with the most outstanding promotion of the VFW Priority Goals and VFW Action Corps Weekly.
- Entry forms are required for both and are available at Auxiliaries are to send entry form to their Department Chairman by March 31, 2020. Department Chairmen are to send entry form to National Headquarters by April 30, 2020. Citations will be directly to Auxiliaries.
In order for the Departments and Department Chairmen to be considered for Outstanding Performance Award:
- A minimum of four mailed and/or emailed promotions to members in his/her Department.
- Creative promotion of VFW Priority Goals and VFW Action Corps Weekly
- Community Legislative Education and Engagement
Promoting those goals becomes even more exciting with the possibility of receiving $200 for your Department and a “Serving Our Veterans with Aloha” Keepsake if you are the Outstanding Chairman in your Program Division. The runner-up Chairman in each Program Division will receive $100 for their Department and a citation. There are 10 Program Divisions.
In addition, it is the responsibility of each Department Chairman to track and report the information requested on the Year-End Report found on page 71 of the 2019-2020 National Program Book.
Keep up the great legislative work you are all doing on behalf of America’s veterans, service members and their families!
I wish all of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving as we “Serve Our Veterans with Aloha.”