Sherry Howland 2023-2024 National Legislative Ambassador

Headshot of Sherry Howland

As Legislative advocates we are in the rare position of helping our veterans and their families access information about benefits, services and pending legislation that could impact the benefits and care their military service has earned them. A big pair of shoes to fill. However, I am positive that we are headed in the right direction.


I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with many of you at the “Meet and Greet” at the July National Convention in Phoenix. Because the session was timed, we didn’t have an opportunity for lot time for questions and answers.


I have viewed many of your reports coming to me and the messages that are being sent out. You are providing great information for our veterans and their families regarding legislative issues.


Program Activities

Ensuring all veterans receive benefits and services that honor their brave military service is one of VFW’s top legislative priorities. We need to be involved.


With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we can’t stress enough the importance of the best health care possible for our veterans. We need to share this information to both men and women veterans.


We need to encourage all our veterans to register with the Veterans Administration, so they are aware of the VA’s compensation and benefits due to them and awarded in part through the legislative activities many of you have participated in, as you’ve helped get important legislation passed.


Your Posts can host a local town hall meeting and invite a VFW Service Officer and your local Congress and Senate Representatives to provide more information for veterans and their families. It is imperative that your members participate in these town halls as it gives them vital information and helps them become a more knowledgeable and strong veterans’ advocate.


A special hello to all Department Legislative Chairpersons and members of their Auxiliaries for all the great teamwork.

Please remember, we work hand and hand with our VFW partners on Legislative issues. And these issues can be found on the VFW website or in Action Corps Weekly.

To each of you my sincerest appreciation for your hard work and advocacy in support of our Programs and all veterans.