Lois Callahan
2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador
Legislative: Innovative Ways to Involve Members in this Program
It is so impressive to see the various ideas you have shared on how to promote the Legislative Program. You have come up with innovative ways of helping your members think about the program and new ways to interact with their Legislators.
Postcards from Maryland
Mary Cardinal-Vogt, Chief of Staff, along with Karen Rooker, Legislative Chairman, are busy creating pre-printed postcards. They print post cards with messages highlighting issues the VFW is currently advocating and their recommendations to congress. Members need only to sign, address and mail the cards to their Legislators.
Word Search in North Carolina
Kathy Voss, Legislative Chairman has created a word search puzzle containing key words associated with the Legislative Program. Getting people thinking about the program and having fun is a key to increasing legislative involvement.
Lighting the Way in Arkansas
One Arkansas Auxiliary embraced the idea of “Green Light a Veteran.” They want their local Legislators to know how many people support veterans and veterans issues in their community. They encourage every member, family member and guest of their Post to light their patio and porch lights with green lights. Green lights have even been made available for purchase at the Post for convenience.
Information is Power in New Hampshire
Cathie Chevalier, Legislative Chairman, compiled and emailed a list of Candidate Forums and Town Hall Meetings. Contained in the lists are the dates, times and addresses of meetings around the state so members can quickly find events in their area.
These are just a few of the ideas and activities happening around our great country. I am so proud of the legislative work being done by our Auxiliaries. Keep up the great work and remember to report your efforts.