Lois Callahan
2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador
Legislative: Encourage Involvement with a Fun Contest!
One of the best and most exciting ways to generate interest and increase participation in a program is to sponsor a contest. Below are a few ideas for Legislative Program contests.
- Become 100% enrolled in the VFW Action Corp Weekly.
- Prize to the first Auxiliary in your District to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, District-wide recognition at an event or in a publication, etc.)
- Prize to first Auxiliary in your Department to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, Department-wide recognition at an event or in a publication, etc.)
- First District in your Department to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, Department-wide recognition at an event or in a publication).
- Be a Shining Star!!!
- Award the member who signs up the most new Action Corp Weekly Subscribers.
- Of course, this contest can be extended from the Auxiliary to the District and the Department Level.
- Award the member who signs up the most new Action Corp Weekly Subscribers.
- Invite a Local Legislator
- Barbara Fitos from Florida had a wonderful idea! She is asking every Post/Auxiliary in her Department to invite a local Legislator to at least one annual event.
- The Post/Auxiliary who sponsors the most events with Legislators in attendance could win an award!
- Barbara Fitos from Florida had a wonderful idea! She is asking every Post/Auxiliary in her Department to invite a local Legislator to at least one annual event.
- Sponsor a “Selfie Contest.”
- Iva Turman from Oklahoma sent in this idea. She is encouraging members to send in pictures wearing their “I voted” stickers. She will post them on the VFW Auxiliary Department of Oklahoma’s Facebook page for a contest.
- Create an award for helping people get registered to vote.
- Recognize a member for helping transport people to the their polling station.
I believe that the more complicated an awards program is, the less participation it will receive. So whatever you decide to do, please remember to keep it simple and fun!