Bette Jean Biedrzycki
2016-2017 National Legislative Ambassador
All Politics Are Local
You have likely heard “All politics are local” at training sessions or in conversation with staff from the VFW Washington Office. This phrase is the bedrock of our legislative program. As an advocate for the program, you are urged to become part of the legislative process. Let’s start by keeping the process in “our own backyard” and see what change we may be able to bring about. Everyone is important in the political process.
- Get to know your local elected officials and spread the word that you are interested in how they view the VFW Priority Goals for our veterans, as well as our active-duty military.
- Be sure your information is correct and aligned with the most recent VFW Priority Goals. Refresh yourself of these issues by referring to the legislative information on the VFW website. As in the past, you will find this section of the VFW website to be your most valuable resource.
- Each state has its own procedures – and deadlines – for voter registration. Are you registered to VOTE? You’re strongly encouraged to take advantage of this privilege. An Auxiliary project that could be undertaken is a voter registration campaign. By calling your local election board you should be able to obtain any information needed to host a campaign.
- Examine how sequestration affects you or someone you know. We don’t have to look far, it affects all of us. Delve into this hot-button issue, educate yourself on it and be able to speak intelligently about this matter. Keep current by signing up to receive Action Corps alerts and updates. I have been able to hear first-hand from active-duty military about the ways sequestration is impacting their ability to train to protect our country. These men and women are willing to protect us but don’t have the tools to do so because of government cuts and roadblocks. Prepare rational and informed responses to your lawmakers about these types of shortcomings.
- Be visible at your town’s council meetings, school board meetings and political gatherings. Your choice of candidates is your own decision. Your presence does not endorse any candidate for the VFW Auxiliary. Your presence shows that veterans and their families vote. We support those who support the party of the veteran. We vote!
We have a few months before we go to the voting booth. Use this time to educate yourself in every way possible to make the most informed choices for all of the offices on the ballot. It is our right to vote; it is our duty to vote right for our veterans and active-duty military.