Robyn Kuznik
2021-2022 Hospital Ambassador

She Wears the Boots Podcast
The VA is committed to meeting the health care needs of women veterans. Women are the fastest growing group of veterans, in fact, women make up 30% of all new Veterans Health Administration (VHA) patients. Women veterans have the same health care needs as non-veteran women but also have health concerns unique to their military service and experiences.
Women veterans need and want health care information they can trust. And VA wants women veterans to understand and feel comfortable using all the health services they have earned and deserve.
The She Wears the Boots podcast is meant to enhance the lives of service women and women veterans by celebrating their service and sharing information on specific topics that can improve their well-being. They focus on educating women about gender-specific services or healthcare concerns that may be of high interest to women who served.
âSometimes in the private sector, women may have their care fragmented. But in VA, women have access to their general health care and women-specific care with one provider, at one site,â said Dr. Sally Haskell, deputy chief consultant for Clinical Operations and the director of Comprehensive Health for Womenâs Health at VA Central Office. âVA provides the care women veterans need and offers comprehensive womenâs health care, maternity care, infertility services and care for women veterans with LBGT+ and related identities.â
Now is the time to educate and encourage women veterans to subscribe to the VAâs podcast She Wears the Boots to hear from the Womenâs Health experts. There are currently more than thirteen podcasts available to listen to. To access the podcast and blogs, visit She Wears the Boots for more information and for links to many other subjects via the VA Podcast Network.
White Ribbon VA
Have you ever heard of White Ribbon VA? It is a national call to action to eliminate sexual harassment, sexual assault and domestic violence across the Department of Veterans Affairs by promoting a positive change in culture so that the actions outlined in the pledge become the organizational norm. White Ribbon VA is an awareness movement where ALL â regardless of their gender â can participate.
Background: White Ribbon VA was inspired by the White Ribbon organization which is the worldâs largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, and to promote gender equity and healthy relationships. Since its inception in Toronto in 1991, the White Ribbon Campaign has spread to over sixty countries around the world, including college campuses, military bases and stations, and within a number of states across the country.
The VA invites you to join us in making a pledge to stop violence against others and to symbolically wear the white ribbon. White Ribbon VA Pledge:
I, (your name), pledge to never commit, excuse or stay silent about sexual harassment, sexual assault or domestic violence against others.
Document your commitment by accessing this website:
Lastly, as we are turning the corner toward the end of our reporting year, I wanted to remind all of you about our upcoming Award deadlines.
Please remind your Auxiliaries that the deadline for Hospital Award No. 1 for the Most Outstanding implementation of outreach education of the Honors Escort Program is due with the completed form to your Department Hospital Chairman no later than March 31, 2022. Department Chairmen are to send all entries received to the National Hospital Ambassador by April 30, 2022 for judging.
Please remind your Auxiliaries that the member entries for âHospital Recruiter of the Yearâ are due to the Department Hospital Chairmen by March 31, 2022. Department Chairmen are to send all entries received to the National Hospital Ambassador by April 30, 2022 for judging.
Thank you for all your continued support for our veteran patients and for promoting our wonderful Hospital Program throughout the nation!