Vickie Rosse
2017-2018 National Hospital Ambassador
Building on the VFW Auxiliary’s Hospital Foundation
The Hospital Program team is starting to see progress on Building our VFW Auxiliary Foundation. Armed with our blueprint, the bricks are stacking up to be an impressive building.
Four bricks – Help Heal Veterans therapeutic craft kits can help restore coordination and concentration. Our goal is to give our veterans what they need to restore health. Order your craft kits from the website Follow the application rules. Basic techniques can be fun!
Five bricks – Everyone can impact the life of a veteran. Spend time with a veteran, it is time well spent. Join the team, smile and say “thank you.”
Six bricks – Support a caregiver that may need an afternoon to run errands. Find or start a local VA Voluntary Service Caregiver Support Network. The network offers support and service to those who care for veterans.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month
The website informed us that:
- PTSD makes communication difficult.
- Friends and family (and anyone else who is not the source of the PTSD but is standing by while someone attempts to heal) need something that translates PTSD language.
- Armed with knowledge, insight and awareness you’ll have an easier time knowing how to react, respond and relate to your PTSD loved one during the healing process.
Here are 10 Tips for Understanding Someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Knowledge is power
- Trauma changes us
- PTSD hijacks identity
- We are not our true selves
- We cannot help our behavior
- We cannot be logical
- We cannot ‘get over it’
- It’s not denial: We’re coping
- We do not hate you
- Your presence matters
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The National Breast Cancer Foundation has a 27 page printout, “The Breast Health Guide,” that can be emailed to you. The topics are:
- Breast Health Basics
- Healthy Habits
- Assessing Your Personal Risk
- Signs and Symptoms
- Early Detection
- Breast Cancer Basics
- What is Cancer?
- What are Tumors?
- Stages of Breast Cancer
- Types of Breast Cancer
Community Volunteer Recruitment Weeks: November 5 – 11, 2018
Visit the Hospital section on the Program & Publicity Resources page of the website for information to help you with your volunteer recruitment event:
- Community Volunteer Recruitment Weeks Information
- Community Volunteer Recruitment Weeks Report Form (Fillable)
- Volunteer Recruitment Flyers (Choice of 4 flyers)
Look at these smiling faces! Who can be first to name the four volunteers in the front?