Vickie Rosse
2018-2019 National Hospital Ambassador
Building on the VFW Auxiliary’s Hospital Foundation
The Hospital Program was one of the first nationally adopted programs.
Foundations are made brick by brick.
As craftspeople, we will read the blue print to construct the Hospital Program into the VFW Auxiliary Foundation.
As a team, let’s strengthen that foundation, brick by brick.
Three ways to strengthen the foundation of the Hospital Program are listed below:
One brick – Enlist more volunteers. By sponsoring Community Volunteer Recruitment Weeks, we can tell our story to members and non-members in our community. Wouldn’t it be great to get a family as volunteers? See us start to grow! BONUS: There are member incentives to earn!
Two bricks – Every day and every night, there is someone to talk on the phone, chat online or text with about veterans’ concerns. Put the Veterans Crisis Line contact numbers in your cell phone:
- Veterans Crisis Line phone number is 1-800-273-8255 then press1;
- Online chat is; and
- Text 838255.
Share these important numbers!
Three bricks – Support Objective Zero and keep our veterans safe. Objective Zero enables a veteran to put an app on his/her smartphone to instantly connect with another veteran, a clergy person, a trained ambassador or whoever they need to talk to right then.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Suicide claims the lives of 20 active-duty service members and military veterans every day. Help lower this number by spotlighting mental health awareness and promoting suicide prevention in your community this month. There are numerous ways to utilize the many resources available to you:
- Wear a blue teardrop.
- Distribute Veterans Crisis Line information.
- Save the Veterans Crisis Line phone number in your cell phone contacts.
- Register with Objective Zero and put their app on a veterans’ smartphone.
- Discover something new from these websites listed in the National Program Book:
- The Campaign to Change Direction:
- Give An Hour:
- Patients Like Me:
- One Mind:
- Help Heal Veterans (Therapeutic Craft Kits):
- Objective Zero:
National President Sandi Kriebel’s theme is “We Can Do It!” Together, I know WE CAN help save the life of a veteran by getting the word out about mental health awareness and suicide prevention.