Anita Loando-Acohido
2019-2020 National Historian / Media Relations Ambassador
It is heartwarming to hear someone say, “Thank you for all you do for veterans,” when they see you in VFW Auxiliary apparel and know the work that you do. But there are still many in our communities who do not know who we are. This is my challenge to Auxiliaries this year: Get out and be visible in the community.
Go to the National website and download:
- VFW Auxiliary Community Outreach Project
- Community Outreach Project Tool Kit
- Community Outreach Project Sample Letter
The Tool Kit will help you:
- Develop a Community Outreach Team
- Identify Groups to Contact
- Plan and Prepare a Presentation
- With Tips for Speakers
- Follow up with a Thank You
This is the time to educate not only our own members, but the community at large. The Community Outreach Tool Kit will show you how to get started.
Have you ever thought to look at the VFW Auxiliary Patriotic Days calendar? There are some patriotic days coming up this fall. You might want to plan some special activity or recognition for these days. Some examples are:
- September 29 – Veterans of Foreign Wars was established (120 years)
- September 29 – Gold Star Mothers and Family’s Day
- November 11 – Veterans Day
Find your connection. Do a Community Outreach Project. Follow the guidelines listed in the resources and reach out to the community about what we do for our veterans.
When you have community support, our organization will have visibility in all the work we do. Through our National Programs, we can show that we support not only the veterans, but also their families.
Send a report on your Auxiliary’s Community Outreach Project to the Historian/Media Relations Ambassador. Include:
- What organizations you contacted
- What organizations responded
- Where your project was held
- When your project was held and completed
- Why you chose this project
- How you followed-up with the organization (award certificate, thank you letter, other, etc.)
VFW Auxiliaries can educate other organizations about what we do with the Community Outreach Project.
Mahalo for all you do for our veterans!