Donna Ralston
2021-2022 National “Buddy”® Poppy & VFW National Home for Children Ambassador

We must continue to get the word out about how “Buddy”® Poppy donations benefit our
relief funds and veterans in need.
Ways to promote and incorporate the “Buddy”® Poppy and the VFW National Home for Children in all National Programs:
• Historian & Media Relations – Make “Buddy”® Poppy displays for the background. Pin “Buddy”®” Poppies on people.
• Legislative – When sending letters include a “Buddy”® Poppy and information about the National Home.
• Scholarships – When you take the information to schools attach “Buddy”® Poppies and information about the National Home.
• Americanism – Tie a “Buddy”® Poppy and the VFW National Home Helpline Card to Flags.
• Hospital – Put a “Buddy”® Poppy in cards and on items that you send to Veterans.
• Membership – “Buddy”® Poppy and the VFW National Home Helpline Card with a Dues Notice letter.
• Youth Activities – Put “Buddy”® Poppies on awards that you pass out and attach information about the VFW National Home for Children.
• Community Outreach—Ask the community if you can put up a “Buddy”® Poppy display in community centers and make the display about the VFW National Home. Ask if you can add a few “Buddy”® Poppies around the building and leave information about the Program.
Please remember that we need to educate ourselves about the “Buddy”® Poppy and VFW National Home to be great spokespersons for the Program. Keep your “Buddy”® Poppy and National Home kit with you, in your car for instance, and you will always have the items you need to educate the community.