Forever GI Bill now Law
VFW offering support to defunct law school student veterans
WASHINGTON (Aug. 16, 2017) – The nearly 1.7 million members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. and its Auxiliary is applauding President Trump for signing into law today the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2017. The new Forever GI Bill will have an unparalleled impact on America’s service members, veterans and their families because it protects the benefits they’ve earned, expands access and eligibility, and properly recognizes the long service and sacrifice of the one percent of Americans who have voluntarily put their personal lives on hold to fight an unimaginable multi-front war for almost 16 years.
“The VFW is proud to have played a key role in its creation and passage,” said VFW National Commander Keith Harman, “because the new law comes none too soon for more than 30 GI Bill recipients at a for-profit law school in Charlotte, N.C., that suddenly closed yesterday.”
As with earlier for-profit school closures, the VFW is offering emergency grants of up to $5,000 to help impacted student veterans through the transition as they wait for their educational benefits and living stipends to be restored. For more information or to apply for the Unmet Needs emergency assistance grant, click here.
ABOUT THE VFW: The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is the nation’s largest and oldest major war veterans organization. Founded in 1899 and chartered by Congress in 1936, the VFW is comprised entirely of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. With nearly 1.7 million VFW and Auxiliary members located in almost 6,500 Posts worldwide, the nonprofit veterans service organization is proud to proclaim “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS” than the VFW, which is dedicated to veterans’ service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs. For more information or to join, visit our website at