2023-2024 National Extension & Revitalization Ambassador/Chief of Staff Penny Hurt

Headshot of Penny Hurt

As I sit here and think about the Extension & Revitalization Program, I am also thinking about the foundation of this organization – our Auxiliaries. Are we checking on our Auxiliaries to see if they have any Red Flags? The Auxiliary Official Visits should be done or almost done. Have you received any reports on a Red Flag Auxiliary in your Department? Could we have saved them if we had been looking for those Red Flags? Ask your District Chief of Staff, District President or a mentor to help with Red Flag Auxiliaries. Just one nice word or an ear to listen might have made the difference in the health of an Auxiliary.

Remember your Department Officers and Department Chairmen are wonderful members to be on your Red Flag Team to help an Auxiliary. Also remember that suspension is not a bad thing. It just means an Auxiliary needs help or a team to show them the right way to do things. You can pick the right tools to help them on MALTA. As an Extension & Revitalization Chairman you have a whole list of tools. Go to MALTA, Member Resources and under the Extension & Revitalization Program you can find:

Healthy Auxiliary Toolkit

Auxiliary Meeting Checklist for the Auxiliary President

Healthy Auxiliary Checklist To-Dos & Deadlines

Healthy Communication Phone-Text Tree.doc

VFW Auxiliary Health Certificate

VFW Auxiliary Meeting Challenges & Solutions

VFW Auxiliary Member Questionnaire

VFW Auxiliary Sample Meeting Agenda

This is just one category of topics with documents that you will find in MALTA Member Resources: Extension & Revitalization Program. It is also the beginning of how to help the Auxiliary. Auxiliary Meeting Checklist for the Auxiliary President are the needs for a meeting. Healthy Auxiliary Checklist To-Dos & Deadlines provides what the Auxiliary needs to do with the deadline and due dates. Healthy Communication Phone-Text Tree promotes communication in your Auxiliary. VFW Auxiliary Health Certificate is a certificate for you to recognize an Auxiliary after you have worked with them. VFW Auxiliary Meeting Challenges & Solutions are ideas on how to run the Auxiliary meeting smoother. VFW Auxiliary Member Questionnaire is to help you understand the members. VFW Auxiliary Sample Meeting Agenda is a guideline to help with your meeting. You may change these to meet your Auxiliary needs, they are guidelines only.