Linda Compton
2016-2017 National Chief of Staff/Extension Ambassador
Chief of Staff/Extension: A Positive Attitude and Respect = Success
The strength of all Auxiliaries is measured by each member’s commitment to making their Auxiliary “strong and healthy.”
A positive attitude and respect are valuable traits and are vital to our organization’s success and its future. When our members demonstrate a positive attitude and respect, motivation is likely to increase, which in turn improves their level of participation and boosts the success of our National Programs.
What is “Attitude”?
Attitude can make or break our organization. Attitude is not measured by our past or what others think. Success, failure, appearance, skill, or money have nothing to do with how we react to the issues that confront us. We are in charge of our attitude and it is important that the decisions we make and actions we take create a positive image on our service to our veterans.
What is Respect?
Respect is earned and developed with others by practicing the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.”
Positive attitude and respect take practice.
- Learn to listen to all members who share ideas and suggestions.
Don’t allow distractions to prevent you from hearing what members say. - Give ideas and suggestions “fair consideration.”
Keep an open mind and agree to think about others’ ideas and suggestions. - Be mindful of the words you speak.
Words can be powerful and may demonstrate disrespect if spoken improperly. - Demonstrate good manners by saying “please” and “thank you” and remember respect is a two-way street.
A member is more likely to step-up and help when they feel respected.
Here’s a great tool to use when working to improve attitude and respect:
THINK before you speak
T – Is it True?
H – Is it Helpful?
I – Is it Inspiring?
N – Is it Necessary?
K – Is it Kind?
How we, as individuals, treat our fellow members says a great deal about our organization; attitude and respect are everything!