Gloria Dobbie
2020-2021 National Chief of Staff & Extension Ambassador
Happy New (Program) Year to all Auxiliaries!
Auxiliary Presidents will be looking to their District Presidents, who will be looking to their Department Chief of Staff, who will be looking to their Department President, for advice and guidance in conducting business to ensure their Auxiliary is healthy!
Is your Auxiliary healthy? Use the checklist below to ensure your Auxiliary is – and stays – healthy this Program Year.
R U Healthy?
- Officers have been elected and reported to National.
- Bond application has been submitted.
- A copy of the last quarterly audit and membership status of the Auxiliary has been presented to the Post Commander.
- A current copy of the Podium Edition: Bylaws and Ritual is available to Auxiliary Officers and members.
- A current copy of Roberts Rules of Order is available to Auxiliary Officers and members.
- Dates on the R U Healthy checklist are noted for completion (when due and to whom).
- Information and forms on the National VFW Auxiliary website are accessed at
- Members who make your Auxiliary exceptional are recognized.
Official Visits:
- Be prepared for your Official Visit by your District President.
- Provide all books, files and forms requested for review.
- Ask questions that have you or your members concerned.
- Determine if your District President has any special needs to aid in his or her visit.
- Be sure to obtain a copy of the District President’s Report at the end of the visit.
- If you are struggling, make the District President aware of your situation so he or she can help you move forward in solving your problems.
- Reach out to Unaffiliated Posts in your area and promote instituting an Auxiliary at their Post.
- Volunteer to be on a committee to establish new Auxiliaries.
You may have noticed that I didn’t focus on struggling Auxiliaries, though many are seeing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have always been – and continue to be – a resourceful group. We have been thinking outside the box for new ways to communicate, meet and share ideas with our members. We are even signing up new members to help with our cause. Our work will continue no matter what.
I’m looking forward to sharing SWAP stories with you. Let me know how your Auxiliary is reaching out to members. When you tell your story, you may be lighting a fire under other Auxiliaries who are trying to think of ways to move forward.
Thank you for all you do to support our veterans and our communities.
When the Covid-19 pandemic is long gone, we will still be here, “Honoring Our Mission to Serve Veterans.”