Leona McDermott
2021-2022 National Chief of Staff & Mentoring for Leadership Ambassador

Checklist for Instituting a New Auxiliary â Did You Know?
We are excited by the number of new Auxiliaries being instituted this year. In responding to various questions that have been received, I thought it would help to remind everyone of some of the most common issues that occur.
So, Youâre Thinking About Starting a New Auxiliary
The key is really getting our story out to the public. There are a number of wonderful resources available to you when considering a new Auxiliary. âGuidebook 3 âMembership, Recruiting & Extensionâ in Building on the VFW Auxiliary Foundation has valuable information on how to get started. In addition, check out the resources under Chief of Staff & Extension Materials on the National Auxiliary website at www.vfwauxiliary.org/resources.
Charter Applications
While the Podium Edition: Bylaws and Ritual indicates that the Charter application must contain a list of at least fifteen (15) persons eligible for membership (new or former members only), please keep in mind that for the new Auxiliary to be instituted, you must have at least ten (10) eligible applicants present (in person, not virtually) for the Auxiliary to be instituted. So, if some of your applications are for persons out of state, it might be prudent for you to increase the number of persons submitted on the Charter application to ensure that you will have enough applicants present to institute.
The Charter
The names of the Charter members are no longer listed on the Charter that is received by the newly instituted Auxiliary. To preserve records for the future, it is extremely important that the minutes list the full names of the Charter members. This holds true whenever a motion is made on the Auxiliary floor. Years from now no one will remember who Mary or John were; preserve the history of your Auxiliary by always listing full names.
Ensure Success
Youâve instituted the Auxiliary and theyâve elected their Officers â now it is up to you to appoint a Mentoring Committee to work with the Auxiliary for at least the first year to get them off to a good start. Mentor them in the workings of our organization, guide them along the way and ensure their success in the future.
Members are the lifeblood of our organization. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated – with respect. Work as a team and always remember that veterans and their families are our purpose. Following these simple steps, we will Soar Above & Beyond in all our endeavors and ensure the legacy of our great organization continues through strong, healthy Auxiliaries with members who are prepared to take over leadership roles when needed.