Gloria Dobbie
2020-2021 National Chief of Staff & Extension Ambassador

Living in the current world of COVID-19, we are asked how we are feeling on a regular basis. As we progress through our Auxiliary year, it’s time to ask our Auxiliaries how they are feeling. It’s time for a check up! We have been provided with the necessary tools to achieve this task.
Auxiliary Sample Meeting Agenda: Are you…
- Using the agenda to conduct meetings on every level?
- Consulting the Secretary and Treasurer to assist you in preparing an agenda?
- Presenting the information in an orderly fashion?
- Reviewing Unfinished Business?
- Discussing projects, motions and other business to be brought up?
Communication Phone / Text Tree: Are you…
- Establishing a phone / text tree?
- Contacting members about upcoming meetings or events?
- Reaching out to members so they are comfortable at meetings?
- Establishing open lines of communication with your Post and Auxiliary?
5 Essentials of an Auxiliary Card: Are you…
- Using the card as a reminder of the requirements of each Auxiliary?
- Noting the ways to avoid suspension of an Auxiliary?
- Printing the cards and distributing them to your members for easy reference?
Mentoring Guide: Are you…
- Using the guide to communicate with new members?
- Seeing that new members are familiar with all aspects of the Auxiliary?
- Ensuring that the new member feels valuable to the Auxiliary?
- Seeing that the Department Treasurer is bonded?
- Visiting each District at least once during the year?
Good Job Award and Healthy Auxiliary Certificates: Are you…
- Using the Certificates to reward Auxiliaries?
- Using the Certificates to recognize individual members?
The Auxiliary Toolkit serves as a guideline to increase meeting attendance and to ensure that all participating know what their role is. There is no limit to what we can accomplish if we feel valued even when obstacles beyond our control are before us.
Extension: Are You…
- Reviewing the Extension Award No.1 Nomination Form?
- Encouraging members to submit a nomination by March 31, 2021?
- Following up with Unaffiliated Posts who have expressed an interest in a new Auxiliary?
To those who are familiar with my last Promotion, you know that we have a serial story being told titled “Decide, Commit, Succeed.”
To continue, three years ago, we left our interested Post with the task of bringing the idea of a new Auxiliary to his Post membership. The membership agreed and had the overwhelming support of the Post members in attendance at that meeting. Our organizer’s husband informed her that it was all in place to welcome a new Auxiliary into the Post. Our organizer was elated and began her campaign to recruit new members for the Auxiliary. With the help of the National Recruiter at the time, informational tables were set up at shopping centers, grocery stores and anywhere else potential members may be. So many names, so many members! Everyone was feeling great. It was only a matter of time before they were up and running: Did I mention, that was three years ago? Yes I Did! What happened? Stay tuned for our next installment…
Thank you for all you do for our veterans and our Auxiliary by ensuring that we continue to conduct business during these trying times. We pledge to continue Honoring Our Mission to Serve Veterans.