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VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 28, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly August 28, 2020 In This Issue: 1. VFW Thanks Taiwanese Government for Generous Donation 2. VFW Participates in Agent Orange Press Conference 3. Unprecedented Poll Worker Shortage 4. Gulf Coast States Eligible for Emergency Prescription Refills 5. Military Family Members and Retirees to Receive New ID Cards 6. TRICARE Select Enrollment…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 21, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly August 21, 2020 In This Issue: 1. Postal Delays May Impact Medication Shipments 2. The VFW Podcast Hits Airwaves Oct. 7 3. VA Partners with OnStar to Combat Veteran Suicide 4. Blood Donations Need Still Critical 5. DPAA Cancels Meeting 6. MIA Update Download this week’s Action Corps Weekly in PDF…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 14, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly August 14, 2020 In This Issue: 1. Adaptive Housing Bill Becomes Law 2. Respite Relief for Caregivers 3. VA Prepares to Welcome Back Volunteers 4. Arlington National Cemetery Releases New Education Program 5. DOD Offers Expanded Child Care Service 6. Complete the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry 7. MIA…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 7, 2020

August 7, 2020 In This Issue: 1. Senate Passes Veteran Mental Health Legislation 2. Expansion of Caregiver Program Planned for Fall 3. VFW Recognizes National Purple Heart Day 4. Legislation Introduced to Include DBQs on VA Website 5. Legislation Introduced to Help Veterans Request VA File 6. Veteran COVID-19 Viral Testing Guidance for Community Care…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – July 24, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly July 24, 2020 In This Issue: 1. Hal Roesch II Named VFW’s New National Commander 2. Senate Approves Adding Agent Orange Presumptives in Defense Bill 3. Multiple Veteran Bills Sent to President 4. House Defense Bill Contains Mare Island Cemetery Provision 5. House Holds Hybrid Hearing 6. VFW Participates in Senate…

VFW Auxiliary National Officers Assume Positions for 2020-2021

VFW AUXILIARY NATIONAL OFFICERS ASSUME POSITIONS FOR 2020-2021 Kansas City, Mo. — July 24, 2020 – Sandi Onstwedder of White Cloud, Mich., was elected National President of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United States Auxiliary for the 2020-2021 Program Year. A Life Member of Renner-Lobker Auxiliary 3306, she joined on the eligibility…

National Patriotic Art Contest Winners Announced

NATIONAL PATRIOTIC ART CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED Michigan High School Student Wins First Place Kansas City, Mo. – July 21, 2020 – Allison Mroczek won first place in the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest, winning a $15,000 college scholarship. The contest, sponsored annually by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary, recognizes up-and-coming artists and…