Betty J. Stahm
2019-2020 National "Buddy"® Poppy/VFW National Home Ambassador
“Buddy”® Poppy
Has your Auxiliary ever felt puzzled about why you are being asked to purchase more “Buddy”® Poppies when you still have boxes in your storage closet? When your Department Chairman questions why you have not purchased your “Buddy”® Poppies this year has your answer been:
- We do not need to purchase more “Buddy”® Poppies because we just found a couple of boxes and have no need to buy more at this time.
- We still have over 1,500 on hand at our Post.
- Our Auxiliary uses the “Buddy”® Poppies that the Post purchased. We still have a good supply on hand and need to pass out our current supply before buying more.
I am sure there are more answers to why we do not need to purchase “Buddy”® Poppies this year. The reason you are requested to purchase “Buddy”® Poppies every year is our veterans, the “Why” we participate in all National Programs. If you have an abundance of “Buddy”® Poppies on hand, then your Auxiliary needs to find ways to distribute and use our mighty little flower in everything you do. It’s not just about the inventory of “Buddy”® Poppies we have. It’s about supporting a Program that is very special to our veterans. Again, I stress that:
- Once-and-a-half cents go to the Department’s Veterans Service Fund.
- One cent goes to VFW National Headquarters Veterans Service Fund.
- One cent goes to the VFW National Home.
We need to continuously incorporate the Buddy”® Poppy in all our National Programs. Every single program could use a “Buddy” to help support our veterans.
I am also sure that each one of you is puzzled about our current COVID-19 health crisis and what we should do moving forward. Social distancing is so new to all of us especially in our organization. We are so accustomed to spending time with each other as we support and help our veterans, our service members and their families. We are “Buddies” with a cause. Continue with all your projects. Make that Buddy”® Poppy display and do just that, display. Display your love for our veterans with the flower that means so much to them.
VFW National Home
Social distancing has made us rethink the way we do things. We are eager to find ways to occupy the time we once spent outside of our homes. We are not currently allowed to go to the Post or socialize with our Comrades, Brothers and Sisters. Are you puzzled with what to do?
Here is a suggestion to occupy your time as you support our VFW National Home. You can purchase a 150-piece puzzle featuring a beautiful scene of the VFW National Home for only $15.00. The proceeds from all sales will help military and veteran families living at the National Home. Visit or for more information.
We are all in this together. Let’s get puzzled as we support our National treasure.
Here is the latest memo from the VFW National Home Executive Director:
Hello Friends,
I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy. We here at the VFW National Home are currently operating under the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order mandated by Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
Due to the generosity of donors who funded a technology purchase last year, our programming staff are continuing to remotely service the military and veteran families living here. While we have closed all of our campus common areas, including playgrounds, daycare, and community center, we still offer four miles of hiking trails, rolling hills, and beautiful community streets, which families are encouraged to get out and enjoy.
The demonstrated commitment by staff and residents alike in keeping one another safe in this crisis is a true testament to the sense of community shared by all who live and work at the National Home.
Since 1925, the VFW National Home has been a 100% privately funded non-profit entity. The resources and services we provide are all driven by the generosity of our donors, primarily the VFW and Auxiliary membership.
During this crisis of COVID-19 and the challenges facing us, I am requesting of you, our friends, supporters, and yes, our providers to enable me to use flexibility in your financial support of the National Home. This flexibility not only will continue to support the financial needs of the physical structure of a sponsored home but will also allow me to cover the numerous expenses of staffing, technology, physical campus facility costs, programming and other various residential services we currently provide to our 38 veteran families residing on campus.
I deeply appreciate the faith you put in our staff to always do what is best for our veterans and their families. Rest assured that I and the team at the National Home live our commitment to our veteran families, our mission, and to you each and every day.
The American spirit always rallies in the face of adversity. Together we are resilient and will soon emerge from this challenge as strong as ever.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
Executive Director
Frederick Puffenberger
I am very sad that this is my last blog. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts and ideas with our membership across our great nation. I would like to thank National President Peggy Haake for having the faith to appoint me as National Ambassador for this very special program that is near and dear to my heart. I would also like to thank all the Department Chairmen for all their hard work. I enjoyed reading each and every report that was sent to me. It is with great pride that I say that I am a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary, an organization that I believe in because we offer “Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes®”.
E mālama pono a noho ikaika hoʻi (Be Well, Be Safe and Remain Strong)