Sandy Pinsonault 2023-2024 National Auxiliary Outreach Ambassador

Headshot of Sandra Pinsonault

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is the true meaning of our Auxiliary Outreach Program. Forming a partnership with another organization to help make their event successful.

We are at the midpoint of our Program Year. There is still plenty of time to reach out to other organizations in your community. Here is a list of those organizations that may need some extra hands: Lions Club, Rotary Club, garden club, senior centers, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Girls on the Run, Race for the Cure, Alzheimer’s Walk, local church suppers, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Red Cross blood drives, Salvation Army thrift store, local libraries, animal shelters, food bank and National Park Service.

Remember the five steps to making your Auxiliary Outreach Program a success.

  1. Find local groups and organizations that need assistance
  2. Ask what your Auxiliary can do to help them
  3. Vote at your Auxiliary meeting to approve the activity
  4. Form the partnership with the other organization
  5. Report the details

I have received some great reports. A few of our Auxiliaries have helped the local fire department serve breakfast at their breakfast fundraiser, helped the local elementary school with their fundraising event, helped the local Rotary Club at their barbecue chicken dinner event, helped plant a garden in the town center, and worked the food shelf each week.

Please keep sending the reports and I would love to have some pictures, too!

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”   Sherry Anderson