Mary Ryser
2021-2022 National Auxiliary Community Outreach Ambassador

Plan Ahead to Volunteer with Other Organizations this Holiday Season
Help Needed
Fall is here, leaves are changing colors and we’re taking our winter coats out of storage. With colder weather approaching and COVID-related issues such as loss of jobs and homes, our communities really need us!
Community Holiday Projects
Celebrate the season of giving by giving your time and volunteering with other organizations.
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter serving dinners, sorting through clothing, or on a fundraising or event committee.
- Contact your senior center or nursing home about assisting with their holiday parties.
- Locate an organization that provides food baskets for those in need and help with assembly.
- Wrap gifts for a community Angel Tree or other charitable non-profit.
- Cheer up animals at your local shelter by cleaning kennels, feeding the animals or walking dogs.
October 28 is First Responders Day
First Responders Day is a day to recognize the contributions first responders make within our communities. Auxiliaries are encouraged to participate in events, projects or programs within your community that support and/or recognize first responders.
- Volunteer to assist as a server during a local barbecue or other event to honor first responders.
- Participate in a Project Blue Light event planned by a community organization, helping to distribute blue Christmas lights or LED candles, etc.
Auxiliary Community Outreach Program Guidelines:
- Must volunteer under the guidance of another organization.
- Must improve your community.
- Must wear VFW Auxiliary attire.
- Cannot be held at the VFW Post Home.
- Blood drives – must volunteer to help at the blood drive, not to give blood.
- Must be specific on the motion. For instance, “I move we assist the local police with organizing child safety kits next month” or “I move we serve at the local soup kitchen on the first Wednesday of each month.” If something comes up between meetings as long as everyone agrees then you can participate and bring it up at the following meeting to have it approved.
- Runs/walks – March of Dimes, Race for the Cure, etc. Running/walking in the race does not count. Volunteering to hand out water, sign in participants, etc. is reportable.
- Monies are not reportable under this Program but can be reported to the VFW for their Community Service Program.
- Anything done under this Program can and should be reported to the local VFW Post to be counted under their Community Service Program.
- Community Outreach projects are not reportable under any other VFW or Auxiliary Programs but can and should be reported to the VFW for Post Community Service.
We are the VFW Auxiliary; we are strong and loving. We do what we do best, volunteer to help others.