Diana Rudeen
2017-2018 National Americanism Ambassador
Americanism: Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award
The VFW launched the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award in 1999 to recognize classroom teachers for promoting citizenship education. This annual contest recognizes the nation’s top classroom teachers who teach citizen education topics regularly and promote America’s history and traditions effectively. Teachers who are prime candidates for this award promote civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism.
Here are some important points to remember when conducting the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award Program.
- Know the program procedures and judging guidelines thoroughly.
- Develop a good working relationship with your Post’s chairman.
- Contact schools early and make a point of explaining the importance of the program to the principal.
- Send a news release to your local media with the names of your winning teachers (see Resources page behind member login for a sample.)
- Recognize your participants (both winners and judges) with official VFW awards – see the official VFW Store catalog or visit vfwstore.org for ideas.
Do you know a teacher who deserves this award? Nominate them!
- Fill out the nomination form contained in this brochure.
- In 350 words or less, describe why you feel your nominee should be selected.
- Describe the teacher’s innovative teaching and resource development methods, as well as his or her dedication to education.
- Submit your completed nomination form and signed essay to your local VFW Post by October 31, 2017.
All Post-level nominees, if they win, should provide a one-page resume, up to five pages of documentation of their teaching experience (references, news articles, etc.) and a head-and-shoulder photo of themselves. These items will be forwarded on to the District with the Post Teacher Entry form, nomination form and essay.
What are the National awards?
Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Awards include the items below:
- A national $1,000 Past Commander-in-Chief John Smart award for each of the top K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 teachers for professional development expenses.
- $1,000 award for each winning teacher’s school.
- Plaques for both the winning teacher and school.
- An all-expenses-paid trip to attend the VFW National Convention.
- Top 10 high school teacher’s invitation to attend a summer Graduate Seminar at Freedoms Foundation in Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Winners will receive a 1099-MISC as a result of their award and all-expense paid trip.
For more information, instructions for nominations, nomination forms and deadlines, visit the Teacher of the Year page on the VFW website.
The investment that a teacher makes in today’s youth will be the dividends we will all reap from future leaders. Thank you for all you do for our veterans. God Bless the U.S.A.!