Jason Estell
2019-2020 National Americanism Ambassador
Participation & Reporting
Aloha and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Many of you have Served Our Veterans with Aloha and participated in the Americanism Program this year. You have visited schools and educated youth; participated in parades and ceremonies; opened Facebook accounts solely to promote patriotism on a social media platform; hosted POW/MIA ceremonies out in the community; helped the VFW find civic-minded teachers for the Smart/Maher National Citizenship Teacher Award; and handed out American and POW/MIA Flags. All of these wonderful patriotic acts and events around the nation are what we need to ensure America’s values and traditions persevere.
Please utilize the resources available on the National website under Americanism to help work the Program. You will find the 2019-2020 National Program Book, fillable PDF’s, videos and printable materials to make your life easier.
What should you do once your Auxiliary has hosted an event and incorporated the Program goals into what you’re doing? Report it! Reporting your patriotic events is just as important as hosting them. It’s not always at the top of the list when it comes to things that need to get done, but it is important and should be completed soon after an event or educational program so it’s not forgotten.
Why do we report?
- To maintain not for profit status with the IRS.
- To provide statistics to use on the National Fact Sheet, National website and other marketing materials.
These statistics can — and should — be distributed to both current and potential members. You want to know what an organization does before you become a member, don’t you?
Thank you for working so vigilantly in your local schools and communities to teach the values and traditions of America.
Department of Michigan Americanism Chairman Deni Hunter is always thinking outside the box. One example of this is the YouTube videos she made to share with Auxiliary Chairmen and members. A particular video that comes to mind is a step-by-step, how-to video on Reporting. Deni shares the steps as well as the how, where, what and why of their Department’s reporting platform. Deni is making a huge effort to make it easier for her Chairmen and members to locate and execute the Program initiatives.