Francesca "Frankie" Bill
2021-2022 National Americanism Ambassador & Patriotic Instructor

Area E Francesca 'Frankie' Bill

Americanism: Furthering the Americanism & Patriotic Instructor Program: Utilize the Auxiliary Program & Publicity Resources on the National VFW Auxiliary Website 

“America – a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far-reaching in purpose.”  This quote came from the 31st President of the United States, Herbert Hoover. His presidency included the beginning of the Great Depression and he led relief efforts during World War I from 1929-1933. Americanism has such an impact in our daily lives and across the nation. Overtime, simple gestures such as flying the U.S. Flag to demonstrating acts of patriotism all combine to increase awareness of the Americanism Program: Patriotic Unity, Community Connection and the Red, White, and Blue.

Want to learn more and help further participation? Visit the Program & Publicity Resources page on the VFW Auxiliary website:


Scroll down the page to the Americanism section.

The page contains every VFW Auxiliary Program in alphabetical order. Americanism can be found on the left-hand side. There are multiple links and tools which you can share across your local communities and within your Auxiliary. If you host an Auxiliary Facebook page or website, consider sharing this information or posting downloadable PDF forms for broader access to your local Posts and Auxiliaries, schools, youth groups or community centers.

These materials contain helpful tips and tools, including citations, to assist and recognize acts of patriotism across the topics of Flag Education, POW/MIA Recognition and how to Promote Patriotism. Work with your Patriotic Instructor to host learning sessions during your regularly scheduled Auxiliary meetings. They are your greatest resource in helping educate members and assisting with the traditions and ceremonies of the VFW Auxiliary. Remember the four (4) goals of the Americanism Program:

  • Flag Education
  • Promote #AuxiliaryPatriotism
  • POW/MIA Recognition
  • Star Family Recognition

“Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood – the virtues that made America.”

-Theodore Roosevelt