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VFW Action Corps Weekly – March 27, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly March 27, 2020 In This Issue: 1. VA Making Adjustments to MISSION Act During COVID-19 Pandemic 2. Senate Passes Legislation to Expand Access to Tele-Hearings 3. Share Your Story 4. National Vietnam War Veterans Day to Be Honored Virtually 5. Retired VA Health Care Workers Are Called to Serve 6. U.S.…

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VFW Opposes VA Decision to Eliminate Accredited Veterans Service Officers 48-Hour Review Period for Claims; Demands Answers from Leadership

VFW Opposes VA Decision to Eliminate Accredited Veterans Service Officers 48-Hour Review Period for Claims; Demands Answers from Leadership ‘Making this change in the midst of a national pandemic is extremely troublesome and is just the latest example of distrust and lack of confidence in our VA to make our veterans its number one priority’…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – March 13, 2020

VFW Action Corps Weekly March 13, 2020 1. Coronavirus Victim Visited Omaha VFW Post 2503 2. VFW Testifies on Education Benefits 3. VFW Testifies on VA Debt Collection Practices 4. Independent Budget Urges Proper Funding for VA 5. VFW Participates in Congressional Briefing to Discuss GWOT Memorial 6. VA Suspends GI Bill Use at Five…