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VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 10, 2019

VFW Action Corps Weekly May 10, 2019 In This Issue: 1. Blue Water Navy Act Awaits Vote by House of Representatives 2. VFW Participates in Air Force Leadership Roundtable 3. Shanahan Picked to Lead Defense Department 4. House Advances Fiscal Year 2020 VA and Military Construction Appropriations 5. House Advances Bills on Suicide Prevention and…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 3, 2019

VFW Action Corps Weekly May 3, 2019 In This Issue: 1. Tell Congress to End the Widow’s Tax and Kiddie Tax Now 2. VFW Testifies on Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act 3. VFW Testifies on Medicinal Cannabis Research 4. VFW Testifies on VA’s Budget Request 5. Outdoor Recreation Therapy for Veterans Act Introduced 6.…

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VFW Action Corps Weekly – April 26, 2019

VFW Action Corps Weekly April 26, 2019 In This Issue: 1. Joint Hearing on Student Veteran Protections 2. AMA Video from Board of Veterans’ Appeals 3. New JCS Vice Chairman Nominated 4. VA Provides Adoption, IVF 5. MIA Update Click here for a printer-friendly version.  1. Joint Hearing on Student Veteran Protections: This week, the…