VFW Action Corps Weekly – July 27, 2018

VFW Action Corps Weekly July 27, 2018 In This Issue: 1. VFW Elects New National Commander 2. North Korea Begins Returning MIA Remains 3. More Korean and Cold War Family DNA Sought 4. Senate Confirms Wilkie as Secretary of Veterans Affairs 5. NDAA Conference Report Includes VFW Priorities 6. House Passes Important Veterans Legislation 7.…

VFW Urges MIA Families to Provide DNA Samples

VFW Urges MIA Families to Provide DNA Samples Return of American MIAs from North Korea begins WASHINGTON (July 27, 2018) — Now that North Korea has unilaterally turned over 55 boxes of remains believed to contain missing American servicemen from the Korean War, the new national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the…

VFW Elects Vincent ‘B.J.’ Lawrence as New National Commander

VFW Elects Vincent ‘B.J.’ Lawrence as New National Commander ‘There’s an energy in this organization that’s just chomping at the bit to be released’ KANSAS CITY, Mo. (July 25, 2018) — Vincent “B.J.” Lawrence, of Alamogordo, N.M., was elected today as the new national commander of the 1.2 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the…


VFW AUXILIARY TO RECEIVE VFW COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF KANSAS CITY, Mo. – July 24, 2018 – Today marks the last time that Keith Harman will address the VFW Auxiliary as VFW Commander-in-Chief. He will be escorted down the Aisle of Honor and then address the VFW Auxiliary delegation. Harman served in the U.S. Army from 1967 to…


NATIONAL PRESIDENT TO WELCOME GUESTS Kansas City, Mo. – July 23, 2018 – National President Dee Guillory will honor Bob Regan, founder of Operation Song™, a nonprofit that pairs professional songwriters with veteran, active-duty military and their families to help them tell their stories through song. Regan will receive the Catch the Dream for Our…